ADHD Alternative Cure
Hypnosis is a fairly popular alternative treatment for ADHD. Hypnosis works through the power of suggestion. Hypnotists believe that if you tell someone something in the right way it will seep into their unconscious, and they will act upon it. First, a hypnotist lulls his patient into an extremely relaxed state with soothing words and music. Then he repeats positive affirmations that he wishes to sink into their patients mind. For instance, a hypnotist would tell a patient with ADHD she is able to concentrate, sit still and focus. Hypnosis sessions can be expensive and are not often covered by insurance. There are plenty of pre-recorded hypnosis sessions available online, and many are very cheap.
Feingold Diet
The diet was developed in the 1940s by Dr. Ben F. Feingold, a pediatrician and allergist and Chief of Allergy at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco, as an alternative treatment for allergies and asthma in children. He soon discovered that it helped children with ADHD improve their concentration and helped with many other behavioral disorders, as well. The Feingold diet eliminates synthetic food additives. These additives include artificial food coloring and preservatives. If you are interested in the Feingold diet, check out the book "Why Can't My Child Behave?"
Neurofeedback is one of the most popular and well respected alternative treatments for ADHD. The central hypothesis for this treatment is that ADHD is reflected in a person's brainwaves. By changing the brainwaves, the disorder can be treated. During neurofeedback sessions the patient is hooked up to several electrodes, which monitor her brainwave activity. Over a multitude of sessions the patient learns to recognize when her brainwaves are behaving abnormally and how to correct them. This therapy is well-regarded by many researchers. A meta-analysis conducted in June 2009 for the Journal of Neuroscience reported that neurofeedback was effective at improving concentration and reducing hyperactivity.
Green Time
One of the most novel cures to ADHD is called green time. The idea behind green time, propounded by author Richard Louv, is that nature is good for improving concentration. This treatment is newer than the other alternative treatments for ADHD, and its proponents have a rather sketchy explanation for how it works. However, there is nothing wrong with going for a walk in the woods, and even if you don't treat your ADHD, you surely will have a good time.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is most commonly recommended to improve heart-health and to lower cholesterol. However, it has a beneficial effect on the brain as well, and has gained prominence as an alternative treatment for ADHD. Fish Oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) , and docasahexaenoic acid (DHA). The EPA controls mood and improves concentration. If you take fish oil for ADHD, you should take capsules specificity formulated to contain extra EPA. You also should take a therapeutic dose of fish oil, four to eight tablets per day or 8,000 and 16,000 mg.