ADHD Remedies
Holistic Approach
Holistic therapies for ADHD tend to focus, first and foremost, on the child's diet. Some holistic specialists believe that the artificial chemicals and preservatives in processed foods may contribute to lack of focus. One of these experts, Benjamin Feingold, created a diet plan, called "The Feingold Diet" that eliminates these chemicals from the diet Other dietary problems could be lack of sufficient protein, B vitamins and antioxidants in the diet. In addition, it may be necessary to further analyze the child's diet to determine whether there are allergies to certain foods that may be affecting brain function. A holistic specialist may suggest modifying the child's diet to include more vitamin-rich foods and proteins like fish, which contain fatty acids essential for healthy brain function. The child may also need to eat fewer processed or prepackaged foods, foods high in sugar, and sodas or other beverages filled with sugar and caffeine.
Another focus of holistic therapy for ADHD is usually physical exercise. A specialist may suggest finding ways to keep the child more active such as participating in sports at school or playing outside for 30 minutes or more every day. Because exercise triggers the release of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, it can actually mimic the ADHD medications typically prescribed, making focus and concentration a little easier.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal practitioners offer several herbal supplements that may help with some of the problems associated with ADHD. Lecithin is suggested for increasing alertness, memory, and concentration; lemon balm for decreasing restlessness and improving attention span; German chamomile for calming and reducing restlessness; and bacopa for concentration and memory. Keep in mind that these herbal treatments are not recommended for use without the supervision of a medical professional.
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic medicine is based on the idea that "like cures like," meaning that small doses of disease-causing agents may actually help to alleviate the illness itself. This is based on the activation of the immune system which occurs when toxins are present in the body. Research on the subject is not very clear, however. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, there is little scientific evidence that homeopathic treatments are effective. If you decide to use homeopathic medicine, it is absolutely vital that you do it under the guidance of a homeopathic or medical specialist.
Some homeopathic remedies that can be prescribed for ADHD include stramonium, barytra carbonica, tarantula hisp and lycopodium.