ADHD Help for Adults
Adults with ADHD might not be aware they have it. Persistent trouble staying on task or difficulty getting and staying organized might indicate ADHD. Consult a physician to obtain testing and appropriate diagnosis.
Adult ADHD is treated with anti-depressant medications such as Effexor and Wellbutrin, and psychotherapy. A combination of medication and therapy might be a prescribed treatment.
Clinicians can offer information regarding various agencies that can help adults with ADHD. Community support groups are often available for adults and their families living with ADHD.
Education and "coaching" are available to assist with tasking and other repetitive responsibilities. According to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, some people might be eligible for Social Security disability assistance.
According to the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), research is underway to improve treatment for ADHD. Further, studies to determine ADHD cause and prevention are also a major focus of research.