ADHD Low Carbohydrate Diet
Sugar causes insulin levels to rise and drop dramatically. You can find sugar in most processed foods, candy and baked goods. By forgoing sugar in your diet and replacing it with fruit, you can satisfy your sweet tooth while benefiting your body. Fruit is a simple complex carbohydrate that is absorbed quickly in the body for fast energy. However, fruit that also has fiber is slower to absorb and prevents sugar crashes. Enjoy a whole range of fruit like apples, bananas, blueberries, figs, apricots and pears. Avoid certain citrus fruits if you are on ADHD medication like grapefruit, orange and tangerines. These fruits can cause negative interactions with your medication.
Complex carbohydrates are sugar molecules that are longer than simple carbohydrate molecules, which in turn that form longer chains. The best source of complex carbohydrates are foods with fiber, because fiber takes longer for the body to absorb which in turn regulates blood sugar levels. Foods with fiber include legumes, whole grains and vegetables. Avoid pastas and breads made with refined flour. Instead incorporate into your meals wheat pasta, whole grain breads, brown rice and oatmeal.
Other Nutritional Foods
Refrain from drinking caffeine, because it contributes to fatigue, brain fogginess and restlessness. Eat five small meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Some people suffering from ADHD have food allergies, which exacerbate symptoms. Go on a food elimination diet to see if you are consuming allergens. Protein is an essential part of your diet. Eating proteing raises your levels of the tyrosine amino acid, which promotes production of norepinephrine and dopamine. These two brain chemicals keeps your brain alert and prevent you from feeling sluggish. Try a low-carbohydrate diet and see if you experience the benefits of keeping your blood sugar levels stable.