Home Remedy for ADHD That Works Fast
ADHD Treatment
A standard treatment for children usually involves medication, counseling and changes at school to help achieve a better learning environment. Medications are available that can help children to focus their attention and to reduce impulsive actions. With counseling, a family can learn to work together to deal with ADHD symptoms or an individual can work to learn coping methods to achieve better focus. Schoolteachers may also be involved in developing a learning style for the child.
Immediate Tools to Try
There are a few things that you can do immediately to help your child focus. First, your child should sit in front of the class and away from friends or acquaintances, so he can focus on the topic at hand. While doing homework, turn off your phone, email or television. Your child should get plenty of exercise, as it may reduce some of her excess energy. Finally, learn and practice relaxation, yoga or meditation techniques with your child to help with focus, such as a breathing exercise.
Home Remedies
The focus of prescription drugs is to suppress symptoms and allow your child to have focus for the set amount of time the medication works, while changes in environment or other natural remedies look at the root of the condition and try to find ways to correct it. There are some minor changes you can make at home that can alleviate problems.
Diet changes can help alleviate ADHD symptoms. Junk food, processed foods, refined sugar, MSG (monosodium glutamate) and other artificial products can be contributing to the problem. In eliminating some of these, particularly refined sugar, you may see changes in your child. In eating healthy, natural foods, your child may have more energy and more focus.
Along with relaxation techniques, your child can participate in massage or music therapies, which are effective calming treatments. There is still research being done as to whether any vitamins or herbs actually reduce the symptoms of ADHD. The use of omega-3 fatty acids does help with brain functioning; however, it is unclear if this alleviates ADHD symptoms.
Overall, the best thing for a suffering child is the love and patience of parents and teachers, a well-organized life with regular meals and bedtimes, and a good night's rest.