ADHD Alternative Diets
Gluten sensitivity can worsen symptoms of ADHD. To find out if you are sensitive to gluten, remove it from your diet for a week or two and track the results. If you find you feel less restless and more attentive, perhaps removing gluten from your diet would help control the symptoms of your ADHD. Wheat, rye, and barley products all contain gluten. Many supermarkets now carry a wide variety of gluten-free foods.
Shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish all contain high levels of mercury. Some doctors believe that, particularly in children, high levels of mercury can inhibit the ability to concentrate, a prominent symptom of ADHD. Experiment with eliminating these foods from your diet.
Organic Food
Pesticides, additives and toxins are believed by some to worsen or even cause the symptoms of ADHD. Try eating organic fruits, vegetables and meats that eliminate these products. Again, monitor you or your child's ADHD and see if symptoms improve. If they do, then you should consider going organic permanently.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Some studies show that ADHD is more common in those who lack omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. Omega-3 fatty acids help make up cell membranes in the brain, so it is worthwhile to include these fats in your diet. Omega-3 fats can be found in salmon, flaxseed oil and in supplements.
Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause hyperactivity and inattentiveness. Those with ADHD may find their symptoms worsen when they consume caffeine. Sources of caffeine include soft drinks, coffee, energy drinks and chocolate.
Processed Foods
Some studies have shown a link between highly processed foods and ADHD. Highly processed foods include simple carbohydrates like candy, cookies, soda and most other junk food. Avoiding these foods can improve ADHD and improve overall health. These foods may include additives like food coloring and preservatives that can trigger hyperactivity in some people.
Proteins like beans, cheese, eggs, meat and nuts can improve concentration in some individuals. Add these to your diet, ideally replacing highly processed or simple carbohydrates, and see if your ADHD symptoms improve.