Herbs for ADHD Children
Understand ADHD to begin treating it. According to Herbal Remedies Info, an herbal remedy resource and database, ADHD is a neurological condition in which the portion of the brain responsible for coordinating external stimulus is impaired. When the brain cannot channel external stimulus properly the result is competing sources of visual and sound stimulation as well as internal stimulus from emotions. Finally when the brain is overly taxed the natural defense is to tune out external stimulation. When this happens the brain is physically unable to focus on any one stimulus point. In addition, the overwhelming experience often leaves the sufferer irritated, aggressive or anxious.
Herbal Roles
Know how herbs help. Herbs play an active role in balancing brain chemistry as well as boosting external stimulus coordination. According to Alt MD, an alternative medicine resource, ADHD and the associated neurological dysfunction may be linked to dietary deficiencies, hereditary issues and social pressures. The website states that herbs, as well as dietary restrictions and lifestyle adjustments, address the underlying dysfunction by eliminating excess stimulation and boosting the working order of both mind and body. Conventional medicines often treat ADHD with stimulants but these medications rarely come without side effects and they do not address underlying nutritional problems.
Herbs for Treatment
Incorporate herbs into ADHD treatment as an alternative to conventional medicines. There are several herbs that can be used to treat ADHD. Some of the most common include valerian root, which treats hyperactivity and anxiety, ginkgo biloba, used to boost brain function as well as concentration and ginseng, known for its memory boosting capacity. Lemon balm, rich in antioxidants, addresses multiple ADHD issues including anxiety, hypertension and mood swings. However, lemon balm also provides antioxidants which can relieve the body of toxins that decrease brain function. When taken with valerian root and chamomile, lemon balm will assist in boosting brain function, concentration and filtering external stimulus. Children can take lemon balm, valerian root, and chamomile without side effect. However, ginseng and ginkgo biloba both have stimulant properties and should be administered conservatively.