ADHD Symptomatology
Identifying ADHD occurs when symptoms are present for at least six months and cause dysfunction in daily life. Performance at school, work or in the home is affected by symptoms of ADHD, causing significant distress.
Patient History
Evaluating family and childhood history can help determine the diagnosis of ADHD. A good indicator for the diagnosis is whether symptoms are present prior to age 7. It is common for symptoms to develop in childhood, progressing through adolescence and adulthood.
Barging into other people's conversations, frequently interrupting activities, not following directions and not being able to listen well are characteristics of poor impulse control and symptoms of ADHD.
Failing to finish projects or tasks, problems with organization and being easily distracted and unable to attend to details are characteristics of inattention and symptoms of ADHD.
Feeling restless or irritable, having problems sitting still and the inability to concentrate for sustained periods of time are characteristics of hyperactivity and symptoms of ADHD.