How to Calm Down A Child With ADHD
Before she entered kindergarten I started taking her to see a psychologist who put her on medication and she started seeing a counsler. The medication I was told won't fix everything and they were right, it really only helps with the hyperness, not the violence, back talking, temper tantrums, and the pure meaness.
So I have had to come up with several tricks to get her behavior under control, or else she would have been sent to an alternative school for kids with behavior problems. So in this article I am gonna share some of my tricks for controlling some of the bad behaviors. I hope it helps others out there with this problem.
Things You'll Need
- Lots of Time
- A Ton of Patience
- Good Anger Management Skills
- A lot of love and support
First off ADHD kids are fuelled by stimulation they crave it and need it. They get bored easily so the best thing to buy to entertain your ADHD child is video games (non violent and or educational,) these seem to keep their attention very well , hence keeping them occupied. Video games have a lot of bright colors and stimulate their minds .
the screaming and yelling is also away for them to get stimulation , if you want you child to stop throwing a temper tantrum you have to cut all stimulation and attention, put them into a quiet room with no t.v, no other people and nothing they get hurt on . Let them scream do not respond to hateful remarks or back talking , just tell them you will talk to them when they have calmed down and walk away. After a few minutes of getting no attention they usually quiet down.
Do not bother trying to teach them, punish them, explain things to them or talk to them when they are in a bad mood, everything you say will just go in one ear and out the other, Wait until the child is calm and in a good mood and they will listen a whole lot better.
Screaming at an ADHD child usually just amplifies the situation, you have to remain calm or they will feed off your emotions and use it to fuel their tantrums.
Most parents of Adhd children know what will set off one of their episodes so if at all possible try to avoid the situation..Such as if you know your child acts up worse in restaurants and stores try to find a babysitter when you go out or run your errands. This may sound mean but it saves a lot of hassles
If they are hurting other people constantly have to make them reaize the consequences are very severe ..they will realize that and learn to control their behavior a little better. My daughter was so violent at school they called in a woman from a place that helps troubled youth and she was institutionalized for 9 days , after that she stopped attacking the kids for no reason , she has only slipped up a few times but that was because the other kids hit her first and sh got really angry... Her school has also told her they will call the juvenile authorities on her. Lets just say the rest of the school year went pretty smoothly
Most important don't give up on them , don't say mean things you will regret and remember patience is a virtue.