Natural Treatment for the ADHD Child
Eliminate Media
Television viewing and video game playing have become increasingly popular with children. TV programming, commercials and action-packed video games can cause children to have a shorter attention span and a more difficult time sustaining focus on a task. In order to treat ADHD naturally, eliminate or reduce the use of media in your child's life, and replace it with an activity that improves attention, such as reading or creating art.
Increase Omega Fatty Acids
Omega fatty acids increase a child's focus and attention span, which can help greatly when treating ADHD without the use of stimulant medications. Omega fatty acids can be found in a variety of sources, the most common being flaxseed, hempseed and cod liver oils. Health foods store typically carry these items in the refrigerated section. They also can be taken in supplement form.
Reduce Dietary Triggers
Certain food additives cause an increase in hyperactivity, reduction in attention and shortened focus. These additives include food coloring, artificial flavorings, artificial sugars and fats, and chemical preservatives and fillers. Refined carbohydrates and sugar can lead to hyperactivity. Avoid these triggers and replace processed foods with whole foods -- fresh fruit, lean meats, and vegetables.
Check for Allergies
Sometimes allergies are misdiagnosed as ADHD. Before you go to an allergist, try eliminating potential triggers from your child's diet for two weeks, then add them back to your child's diet one at a time.
Foods that may cause allergic reactions include dairy products, yellow foods (corn or squash), processed foods, fruit juices, white sugar, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, deli meats, monosodium glutamate and fried foods.