Herbal Cures for ADHD
Lemon Balm
Try the lemon balm herb. Lemon balm (melissa officinalis) is one of the calming herbs in the mint family. It has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Lemon balm is frequently used with other calming herbs, particularly chamomile and valerian, to achieve a relaxing effect. Take supplements of lemon balm to reduce your anxiety levels, increase your concentration levels and improve your memorization skills.
Take ginkgo supplements. Ginkgo (ginkgo biloba) improves blood flow to the brain and increases neurotransmitter levels, both of which help to optimize brain function. Gingko can help you reduce your inattentive symptoms by allowing you to focus better and concentrate for longer periods of time. The benefits of gingko is more pronounced with long-term use, and the positive effects might be permanent. Although ginkgo typically has few side effects, you increase the risk of bleeding if you are taking high doses of anti-clotting medicines.
Siberian Ginseng
Use Siberian ginseng as a natural stimulant. Siberian ginseng (eleutherococcus senticosis) is a brain stimulant that can help improve your memory and increase your levels of concentration. Siberian ginseng has historically been used by Russian and Siberian folks to help them adapt to stressful conditions. Siberian ginseng is also thought to help the body moderate its release of energy, which can reduce your hyperactivity levels and make your movements less spastic.
Gotu Kola
Try gotu kola to increase your mental function. Gotu kola (centella asiatica) has been used for thousands of years in Indian and Chinese cultures to reduce stress and mental fatigue. This herb is thought to improve the blood flow to the brain, which can increase your mental activity and decrease your anxiety levels. Gotu kola can also reduce your inattentiveness by reducing your responses to outside stimuli, particularly loud noises.
Kava Kava
Take kava kava supplements to reduce ADHD symptoms. Kava kava (piper methisticum) can help you better handle your ADHD symptoms by increasing your feelings of contentment and well-being. Kava kava is a natural sedative that helps relieve anxiety, tension, insomnia and nervousness. Because kava kava may be hard on your liver, you should only take this herb under the guidance of a health care professional.
Try chamomile to calm your frayed nerves. German chamomile (matricaria recutita) has long been used for promoting an overall sense of calmness. Relaxing can help reduce your ADHD symptoms since calming your brain activity can help you to control your attention. Chamomile supplements and teas are sold at health food stores. This herb is associated with very few side effects.