How to Get Treatment for ADHD
Hyperactive. Impulsive. Has a hard time focusing and paying attention. If any of those words describe your child, there is a chance she may have ADHD. There is treatment for these and the other symptoms of ADHD.Instructions
Use your pen and notebook to take notes on your child's behaviors, habits, and responses. Keep track for at least two weeks before rushing to have your child diagnosed with ADHD. Keep in mind that kids are kids. They love to run and play and rarely sit still. These are normal behaviors for children. However, when these behaviors are extreme, as in a child being hyperactive all the time, ADHD may be the cause. You'll be better able to determine if there is really a problem if you take notes for a while.
Talk to your child's teacher if you think that your child may have ADHD. Your child's teacher will also see signs of ADHD in your child and will discuss any concerns that she may have. Working together with your child's school and keeping the lines of communication open are essential in getting a diagnosis and treatment for ADHD. Your child's teacher is a vital part of the process.
If you and your child's school both agree that ADHD is a possibility, then a series of questionnaires and some paperwork will have to be completed. This is a step in diagnosing the problem. Treatment cannot be received until a diagnosis has been made. Complete the paperwork carefully. Answer all of the questions completely and honestly. This helps determine if ADHD is the problem and also if your child may need special help at school. Many ADHD students will be allowed extra time and support during classes. An IEP may be developed through the special education office of your child's school.
A trip to the doctor is essential in getting ADHD diagnosed. Make the appointment and keep it. Let your family physician know that you have talked with the school and share the notes you have taken with them. If ADHD is the problem, your doctor will know, and will make the diagnosis. Once diagnosed your child will likely be prescribed an ADHD medication. There are several available, and only your doctor will know which is the right one for your child.
Make sure to give your child his medication each morning right before breakfast. A missed dose can result in retuning of the symptoms. The right medication will help your child to focus, pay attention, calm themselves, and to think before acting. Communication with your child's school and doctor is still a vital part in the treatment. The medication alone will not do it. Your child will need lots of support, and it must be consistent. When everyone works together to help your child overcome the symptoms of ADHD, it ensures your child's success.