Teaching Children How to Cope With ADHD
Providing Structure
Children with ADHD thrive in a structured environment. When you create clearly established rules, consequences and boundaries for your ADHD child, it makes her feel more secure, since she doesn't have to wonder what will happen if she does something. Repeat the rules often, explain the consequences clearly, and enforce the boundaries consistently in order to provide the structure your ADHD child needs to cope with this condition.
Positive Reinforcement
A child with ADHD often has low self-esteem, because of the results of his hyperactivity and short attention span. His behavior often gets him in trouble in school and at home, which makes him feel sad. In addition, a child with ADHD knows he is different, which is uncomfortable for any child. In order to combat these negative feelings, and help him learn to cope with having ADHD, provide him with positive reinforcement. For example, you can praise him when he completes a task or offer him rewards for good behavior. Providing positive reinforcement consistently is important to offset the negative reinforcement when he gets in trouble.
Behavioral Therapy
Therapy can be very helpful when teaching a child with ADHD to cope with her condition. Behavioral therapy teaches her how to modify her behavior to deal with stressful situations. Once she learns to manage her behavior, her self-esteem improves as a result. Increased self-esteem is an added benefit to behavioral therapy for a child with ADHD.