Behavior Modification Techniques for ADHD
How Behavior Modification Works
Behavior modification replaces or alters undesirable behaviors through the use of negative or positive reinforcement. Through consistent and persistent application of reinforcement techniques, the target behavior is eventually altered to comply with the desired standard. But what exactly are negative and positive reinforcement methods?
Negative reinforcement consists primarily of "removal" actions---that is to say, actions that deprive the subject of something. For example, you might say to the subject, "Clean your room or you cannot go out tonight." The subject is motivated through threat of an undesirable consequence.
Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, consists of "addition" actions, usually in the form of desired extras designed to motivate the individual to comply with the desired behavior. For example, you might say to the subject, "If you clean your room, we will get ice cream." While positive reinforcement can consist of more than solely tangible rewards, those are usually the most concrete and well-understood examples.
Choosing a Target Behavior
Behavior modification for ADHD can come from a variety of different sources, including parents and schoolteachers, but all effective behavior modification techniques share some commonalities.
First of all, it should be noted that while it is possible to modify one behavior at a time, it is likewise impossible to modify multiple behaviors simultaneously. To that end, it is best to choose the most disruptive or troublesome behavior, deal with that first and move down the list in descending priority.
Selecting an Enforcement Scheme
Once a target behavior has been selected, the reinforcement scheme should be decided upon in advance. There is nothing less conducive to effective behavior modification than a reinforcement scheme that seems capricious to the subject, or is enforced emotionally (as opposed to rationally) on the part of the administrator. An effective reward scheme will focus mostly on positive reinforcement, but some negative reinforcement should be included as well. By using both the "stick" and the "carrot," you are more likely to encourage your target behavior. When deciding on reinforcement methods, reasonableness is the key. There is no need to reward someone with a new car for putting away laundry or doing homework, and no need to ground someone for three months for failing to do so. Select a reward/punishment scheme you can administer justly to increase the likelihood of compliance.
Applying the Enforcement Scheme
Both positive and negative reinforcement methods must be applied consistently and calmly. Individuals tend to mirror emotions, so where rewards and punishments are doled out calmly, it is far more likely that one will receive a calm reaction, and thereby acceptance of the new regime in return.
Altering the Plan as Needed
Do not be afraid to change things up on the fly. Where one observes that the chosen rewards are no longer motivating or chosen punishments are no longer threatening, do not be afraid to alter the plan to boost the rate of compliance. The plan is just a means to an end, and should never be seen as something set in stone. The only recommendation is that you make all changes with full transparency and never blindside the individual with altered rewards or punishments, lest they lose faith in the system, resulting in a total breakdown of efficiency.