ADHD Adult Help
Proper Medication
You should consult with your doctor to determine the best medication to treat ADHD. Be sure to include taking your medication as part of the daily routine. While taking your medication won't cure ADHD, it can help to control the function of the brain to better prepare you when things happen that aren't necessarily a part of your usual routine
Develop a routine each day. Make a list of things you need to accomplish each day including the small tasks which often accompany larger tasks. Developing a detailed list of tasks for each day will help you to be more focused, motivated, and able to understand the details to complete small tasks.
Sleep Routine
Develop a routine for sleeping. Set aside a few hours to wind down each night before bedtime. One of the symptoms of ADHD is that the mind is working constantly at high speeds, often worrying over small matters. Setting aside a few hours each night for relaxation helps to put the mind and brain at rest, which ensures the other body organs get the rest they need in order to be able to function.
You have probably heard that variety is the spice of life. Having a variety of interests, friends, tastes in food, and other lifestyle characteristics helps people with ADHD to stay focused.