Types of ADHD Medication
ADHD affects millions of children and adults, and its diagnosis appears to be on the rise. In recent years, studies show that there are differences in certain parts of the brain in people with ADHD. The differences may occur in any of the following three areas: the prefrontal cortex, located in the front of the brain, it is known as the brain's command center; the globus pallidus and the caudate nucleus near the center of the brain control the speed of messages coming from the prefrontal cortex; and the cerebellum just above the brain stem controls muscle tone and balance.
Essentially, ADHD medications can be classified as stimulants or non-stimulants. Among the most common stimulants are Ritalin, Adderal and Dexadrine. These medications work by increasing the brain's levels of dopamine. Common non-stimulant medications include Strattera and Wellbutrin. Strattera affects ADHD by boosting levels of norepinephrine, while Wellbutrin targets both dopamine and norepinephrine levels. New ADHD medications are being developed, which also treat other conditions, such as depression and high blood pressure.
Regardless of the drug classification, ADHD medications provide benefits by increasing the levels of certain brain chemistry hormones. Just as individual medications have different mechanisms for achieving this increase, there also are varying degrees of side effects noted with different ADHD medications. The most commonly reported side effects are nausea, stomach pain, headache, restlessness, dizziness and dry mouth. It must be noted that medications affect individuals in myriad ways. The occurrence of side effects, therefore, is quite individualized.
ADHD medications are touted for the degree to which they provide benefits to patients. Stimulant medications are noted for their effectiveness in improving attentiveness and decreasing impulsiveness. Non-stimulant medications also are praised for these benefits, but they are more directly associated with co-occurring mood or anxiety disorders. Most patients who have been properly diagnosed with ADHD report that the benefits of medication far outweigh the potential side effects.
Individuals with ADHD have the potential to accomplish great things. Although the disorder can create problems for many afflicted, those with ADHD also are known for visionary imaginations, creativity, a propensity to take risks, intuition and rapid problem-solving, an ability to hyper-focus and strong negotiation skills. Properly treated, ADHD is a condition that is easily managed and may provide benefits to some.