ADHD Symptoms in Small Children
Young children with ADHD are so hyperactive that they often appear as if they are running on a motor. Their energy is endless, and they seem to be in constant, running motion, moving from one activity to the next with hardly a break between. Although it is normal for young children to be highly active, children with ADHD may appear to never stop and are unable to control their hyperactivity in situations where it is inappropriate to run, jump and climb.
A young child with ADHD may display inattentiveness in a number of ways. He may have a hard time listening to and following directions, he may not seem to hear people when they address him and he may have a hard time focusing during play or school activities. As a result of this symptom, children with ADHD may come across as naughty, disobedient and careless when their inattentiveness is not intentional and may not be in their control to correct without behavioral therapy and even medication.
A young child with ADHD may find it impossible to sit still. Even if he is at the dinner table eating a meal or sitting at his desk working on a school assignment, he will be unable to keep himself from moving some part of his body. He will constantly be fidgeting, whether tapping his foot on the ground, snapping his fingers or slapping his hand repeatedly on his leg or on the table.
A young child with ADHD will often exhibit impulsive behaviors, whether they be physical or verbal. He may have a hard time waiting his turn and interrupt conversations regularly, or he may yell out answers to questions his parents or teachers ask before they have finished or it is appropriate for him to do so. He may have a hard time controlling the things that he says, talking excessively and asking rude questions or making inappropriate comments.
A young child with ADHD may appear disorganized, losing things often and forgetting tasks he is instructed to complete. He may struggle to finish projects that require organization and planning, and may come across utterly unable to give his attention to detail. This symptom can bring about chaos in his daily life at home and school, causing him to misplace papers, forget assignments, neglect chores and appear generally irresponsible and forgetful.