Long-Term Effects of ADHD Medicine
ADHD or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological behavior disorder. It is a disorder that affects learning, emotional behaviors as well as sleep. It is most commonly diagnosed in childhood and can continue into adolescents and adulthood. One and three children are diagnosed with ADHD, with boys being diagnosed more often than girls. ADHD affects a child developmentally. Children who have ADHD are about 30 percent slower in emotional development than their peers.
There are signs to look for and therapies using medications to treat ADHD. Most of these medications, however, carry side effects. Some can range from short term to possible long term.
There are several signs to look for if you think your child might be ADHD. Some of these signs may be less severe while others may cause problems once the child reaches school age. Children with ADHD tend to fidget or they can't sit still for more than a few minutes. They tend to jump from one task to the next never really being able to focus or concentrate on one task for long. Most children tend to daydream a lot or become easily confused.
Children who have ADHD tend to be very impulsive and unaware of consequences for things that they say and do. Most are impatient and have a hard time waiting their turn to talk and will often interrupt. Some children will also show emotions without a thought to it and often times throw temper tantrums. An evaluation and discussion with your pediatrician can determine if your child has ADHD. Your pediatrician may then discuss medication as treatment for the ADHD.
There are medicinal therapies to treat ADHD. Most of these medications are taken once a day and last up to 12 hours. Some medications used to treat ADHD are Ritalin, Adderal XR, Concerta, Focalin XR and one of the newest medications is a skin patch placed on the hip area called Daytrana.
Side Effects
There are side effects with all these medications for ADHD. Some can be mild to moderate and can sometimes go away, while there may be some that can cause long-term affects. Some of the side effects are stomach pains, dry mouth, constipation, sleeplessness and loss of appetite.
More serious side effects are vomiting, high blood pressure, heart palpitations and raised liver enzymes. Check-ups and blood tests are monitored by a pediatrician while the child is on ADHD medications.
Long-term Usage
There are studies that are being done to determine the effects of using these medications long term. Although none have been completed at this time, there are concerns about these medications long-term effects. Some feel that using these drugs like Ritalin, may have possible effects on a child's developing brain. There are tests that have proven that taking these medications may stunt a child's growth. Also, there have been heart-related problems, but these problems occurred in children and adults who already had heart problems to begin with. Some also fear that long-term usage of these drugs can eventually lead to other substance abuse as a child gets older. Psychiatric problems may also arise like depression, anxiety and aggression. A doctor will monitor all these possible side effects and long-term effects while the medication is being taken.