What Causes ADD in Adults?
Individuals suffering from ADHD generally have difficulties in self motivation, which occurs mainly due to distractions, poor organizational abilities, etc.
Thus such patients are generally looked upon by others as disorganized and chaotic individuals who require great stimulus to work efficiently.
Causes of ADHD
The exact causes that lead to ADHD are still unknown despite years of research by scientists. However certain factors are considered to be contributing ADHD in adults.
Genetic Recombinations
Recent studies have concluded that ADHD is a highly heritable disorder, thus genetics plays a crucial role in the transmission of this disease from one generation to the other. According to researchers, ADHD mainly arises due to recombinations among various genes such as Dopamine Receptor and Monoamine oxidase, which are mainly associated with Dopamine transport in the individual's body.
Environmental Factors
Various environmental factors such as consumption of alcoholic beverages, exposure to cigarette smoke and environmental pollution are considered to be factors causing ADHD in adults. However despite repeated attempts, no exact link between these factors and ADHD has been found.
Food supplements and high levels of sugar content in diet are often considered to be prime factors causing ADHD.
Social Factors
Although no conclusive evidence has been found, certain social factors such as relations with caregivers generally lead to ADHD. Factors such as exposure to domestic violence and abuse are thought to contribute to the development of Attention Deficit Disorders in adults as well.