| | Conditions Treatments | ADHD
Screening Tests for ADHD
Online screening tests for ADHD, such as the one found on PsychCentral.com, can give parents an idea of whether further testing is required (see Resources).
Symptoms of a child with ADHD include hyperactivity, inattention and impulsiveness. A test called a neuropsychiatric evaluation will take these symptoms into account.
According to Ibiblio.org, the cost for testing for ADHD ranges from $250 to $1,500. That's just for testing. Then the monthly cost for drug treatment is $30 to $60.
The cause of ADHD is still unclear. Some say it is genetic, and most agree that it is due to a defect in some of the neurotransmitters in the brain.
Treatment is done through drugs, counseling and behavior modification techniques.