How to Communicate With Children With ADHD
Give verbal directions one step at a time. Children with ADHD typically have trouble remembering long lists. Be clear and precise, which means providing your child with specific instructions.
Create checklists. Many kids who suffer from ADHD perform better when expectations are expressed in a written form. Make checklists for daily activities and make a chore chart.
Help your child focus on what you are saying. Physical contact often helps children with ADHD focus more clearly on your words. Gently touch your son on his hand, arm or back. Making your son look you directly in the eye while you are speaking might help him better retain your verbal instructions.
Be sure your child understands what you are saying. Ask your ADHD child to repeat back what you have just told her. This can help you evaluate your daughter's listening skills as well as provide you with the chance to correct anything she may have misheard.
Show your child that you listen to him. Repeat back to your son what you think he has just told you. Many ADHD children have trouble expressing themselves clearly, and he might need you to guide him in explaining things better.
Ask your ADHD child a question rather than making a statement. This will force your daughter to focus on what you are saying and think about the answer. For the same reason, be sure to give her choices whenever possible.