Facts About ADHD Medications
Addiction with ADHD Drugs
Many parents and doctors have expressed concern that ADHD medication might be addictive, however, research shows that these medications are processed by the body too slowly to cause cravings and addiction. In fact, Ritalin has been in use since the 1940s and studies show that only 1 percent of the children who took it have had a problem with addiction later in life.
Addiction without ADHD Drugs
Children's psychologist Laure Pickford Ramirez states that research has not only shown that most children who take ADHD medications do not have an addiction problem, but 55 percent of children with ADHD that is left untreated do abuse drugs and alcohol at some point in their lives.
Physical Issue
Behavioral techniques can produce a vast improvement in patients with ADHD and is recommended for all ADHD patients whether they are being treated with medication or not. It is important to remember, however, that behavior therapies alone may not be enough as ADHD is a real, physical problem. Brain development in children with ADHD is much different than that of children without ADHD.
Heart Problems
The FDA has found that sudden death can occur in people taking ADHD medications of they have heart defects or problems. A thorough physical examination and family medical history review should be conducted prior to treating ADHD with medications.
Psychiatric Distrubances
Although rare, the FDA warns that psychiatric disturbances such as hearing voices and paranoia can occur in patients who are taking ADHD medication.