Biomedical Treatment for ADHD
Stimulants vs. Non-Stimulants
Stimulant medications are more widely prescribed, than non-stimulants, and can actually help a child with ADHD to focus and concentrate, if she is given the proper dosage. Non-stimulant medications may also help, however, and seem to have fewer side effects. Each child is different, so different medications must often be tried before the right medication and the proper dosage are found.
Side Effects
Children on medication for ADHD must be monitored closely, because side effects can range from mild to severe, depending upon the dosage and the number of medications prescribed. Symptoms can range from a simple "I feel funny" to depression or sudden psychiatric problems, or a high risk of heart problems (depending on family history or preexisting conditions).
Depending upon the prescribed medication, sleep disturbances may occur. A child may be unable to fall asleep, or may have a restless sleep. A soothing bedtime routine or relaxing music may help.
Depending upon the medication, decreased appetite may occur, accompanied by a stomach ache. Some children also complain of headaches. Check with your child's doctor if you are concerned about your child's appetite, or if weight gain or loss appear to be a problem.
In some cases, severe reactions may occur with certain medications. Sudden repetitive movements or sounds ("tics") may occur, or your child's voice may sound "flat" (without emotion or feeling). If this occurs, contact your child's doctor. Also, if your child is taking a drug called atomoxetine, keep a close watch on his behavior for any change in personality. If there are any such unusual changes, report them to the doctor immediately.