ADHD & Anger in Children
Disorder Combinations
About two-thirds of children with ADHD also experience other anger enhancing conditions like Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Bipolar Disorder.
ADHD is treated in a variety of ways including medication, education or training, psychotherapy or a combination. For ADHD kids with anger issues, a mild antidepressant or sedative may be added to their treatment.
Appropriate Outlets
Finding strenuous and positive outlets like running, skipping rope or climbing may help children with ADHD minimize angry outbursts.
Certain events like medication time, frustration over inability to complete a task or fatigue at the end of a long day may trigger anger in kids with ADHD. Learning those triggers can help parents avoid them.
Sleep Problems
Many children with ADHD have sleep difficulties which can increase angry behavior due to fatigue and frustration.
Positive Focus
Instead of dwelling on negative behavior, reward good behavior with positive reinforcements like extra praise, a trip to the park or an ice cream sundae.