| | Conditions Treatments | ADHD
Nutritional Treatments For ADHD
Elimintate Food Coloring
By eliminating food coloring from your child's diet, you will see the fastest results. Food coloring has been documented to increase hyperactivity, mood swings, and to decrease the ability to focus.
Eliminate Preservatives
By eliminating preservatives in the food you feed your child you will be offering natural, wholesome foods to eat. Preservatives can cause ADHD behaviors in children.
Eliminate Nitrates and Nitrites
Nitrates and nitrites are known to cause hyperactivity. You can avoid these by avoiding meats like hot dogs and sausages.
Include Omega Fatty Acids
Omega fatty acids increase the ability to focus and have a calming effect on the nervous system. You can find omega fatty acids in flax seed and in oily fish.
Include a Multivitamin
Give your child a multivitamin once a day. Vitamin deficiency can mimic ADHD.