Signs of ADHD in Children
ADHD can make a child appear to dawdle, such as taking 15 minutes to slide on a pair of boots.
Difficulty Following Directions
A child with ADHD often has a hard time following directions for simple tasks such dressing. She might frequently forget routine tasks.
Children with ADHD often fidget when they are required to sit still. Parts of the body always seems to be moving, even in situations where other children have little trouble sitting still.
ADHD causes children to have trouble controlling their impulses. Children with ADHD appear to have been born lacking an internal filter that says, "That's not a good idea."
Need for Movement
While all children need to move around throughout the day, children with ADHD have an excessive need for movement. They do best when allowed to run wild for long periods of time each day.
Children with ADHD often talk excessively and loudly.
Short Attention Span
Children with ADHD have a difficult time focusing, so they tend to flit from one activity to another in rapid succession.