How to Take an Adult ADHD Test
Take an online assessment. There are several websites that provide adult ADHD tests for you to take online (see Resources below). These tests are both free and confidential and you normally have your results immediately upon finishing the assessment. You can also print your test results for future reference.
Visit a library or bookstore to obtain an ADHD test. There are a variety of mental health books, magazines, manuals and other resources that contain adult ADHD tests. You can gain access to these publications by speaking to a librarian at your local library or stopping by a bookstore such as Barnes & Noble or Books-A-Million.
Go to an appropriate medical facility for assistance. Places such as hospitals, clinics and behavioral health outpatient centers are equipped with trained professionals who can administer an adult ADHD test. Certain places may charge you a fee or require you to make an appointment before you can actually take the test.
Schedule an appointment with a college counselor. Many colleges and universities have trained and licensed counselors available to you, and these professionals can give you an adult ADHD test. The counselors can also evaluate and interpret your test results for you and provide you with helpful information about ADHD.
Speak with your primary care physician about taking the test. Many medical doctors have knowledge about adult ADHD and you can take the ADHD test right in the office. However, your doctor may need to refer you to an outside agency or to an appropriate mental health professional for additional assistance.
Meet with a qualified mental health professional. Most mental health professionals have the proper training, expertise, skills and credentials needed to properly administer adult ADHD tests to patients. And if you are diagnosed with adult ADHD, a mental health professional can also talk to you about the various treatment options for ADHD and how you can better manage the disorder.