How to Reach Children With ADD or ADHD
Incorporate movement into learning activities and allow breaks for movement and stretching. Use movement exercises to relax or get energized. Use rhythm, imagination and pantomime movements in teaching and play.
Allow the child to do more than one thing at a time. For example, he can work with clay or other manipulation material while listening to lessons or stories.
Touch the child before speaking to him to make sure you get complete attention. Get on the child's level. Make eye contact and remove distractions like television or toys.
Be a good listener. Make eye contact when the child talks to you. Ask questions and make comments about what she's saying. Allow her to finish her thoughts instead of interrupting or helping.
Give clear, brief communications with as few words as possible. Tell the child what you want him to do. Don't ask if he wants to comply or tell him what you don't want him to do. Have the child repeat what you say to make sure he understands. Allow the child to comply before you talk more. Give praise when the child does what she is told.
Provide visual tools for the child. Use charts with pictures to walk him through morning and evening routines and chores. Have him move a clothespin, paper clip or other item to the next task on the chart when one is completed.
Make a game out of chores or tasks. Have a race to get things put away in a specified amount of time.