How to Treat ADHD with Neurofeedback
Locate a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, family therapist or counselor, who is able to provide neurofeedback treatments. Your primary care physician can provide referrals.
Allow the mental health professional to apply electrodes to your scalp. These electrodes will likely be hooked up to a computer screen, and will measure and illustrate your brain activity throughout the neurofeedback treatment.
Pay attention to the images that appear on the screen. The electrodes will sense when you are focused on the images, and as such will display more visually stimulating images. If you lose focus, the images will become less visually stimulating, requiring you to refocus to regain the pleasant images.
Repeat the neurofeedback training as recommended by your mental health care professional. The more often you attend these therapies, the easier it will be for your brain to remain calm and focused on the pleasant images on the screen. This calm and focus will carry over into your daily life as well.