How to Talk to Your Doctor About ADHD
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
Learn to Talk to Your Doctor About ADHD
Keep a journal of your ADHD symptoms. Bring it with you when you go to the doctor so that you remember to address them all.
Make an appointment with your doctor. If you are concerned that your child has ADHD, be sure that he comes to his appointment and participates in the discussion.
Explain your symptoms to your doctor. Try to use specific examples of your symptoms, like that time you just couldn't focus during that staff meeting at work. If you think your child has ADHD, try to bring a note from him teacher that explains how she acts in class.
Be sure that your doctor talks to you about the possible causes of your ADHD. You might not need to go on medication because there could be other factors, like sleep deprivation, which are causing your symptoms.
Tell your doctor about any concerns you have about taking medication. If you have allergies or have had bad side effects from medicine in the past, let the doctor know.
Ask your doctor if your ADHD is a long-term or short-term condition. You have a right to know if ADHD will be something that you could possible grow out of or if you will have to live with it.
Remember to ask about all the possible treatments for your ADHD. You need to talk about pharmaceuticals, natural medication, supplements and lifestyle changes. Find out about the side effects for each treatment as well as how long you need to be on the medication before you start to see results.