How to Live with ADHD
Learn to Live with ADHD
Get diagnosed by a doctor. If you think you have ADHD, it's important to have a doctor evaluate your condition. Some of the best medication for treating ADHD is available only with a prescription.
Change your diet. Recent studies have linked some ADHD symptoms to heavily processed foods. Consider cutting artificially flavored, colored and preserved foods out of your diet if you consume lots of them.
Check your blood pressure. High blood pressure, which is any reading above 140 over 90, can contribute to ADHD. Talk to a dietitian about ways to change your diet to lower your blood pressure.
Look into natural supplements. Some people have found that taking a daily dose of fish oil helps their concentration. Other supplements, like green oat pills and ginkgo leaf products, can sometimes help people live with ADHD.
Find an ADHD support group, either online or in your area. The website ADHD News offers an extensive online forum for people living with ADHD (see Resources below).