How to Treat ADHD
Things You'll Need
- Physician
Treat ADHD
Talk to you doctor about finding an ADHD medicine that is right for you. Some of the most common medicines, like Adderall and Ritalin, will create side effects for some people.
Tell your doctor if you have sleeping problems. Recent studies published in "Pediatrics" magazine found that children who have chronic sleep deprivation will experience ADHD symptoms. Problems with a person's tonsils are one of the most common causes of sleep deprivation. Having them removed may help your ADHD.
Consider taking a zinc supplement. This element has been linked to controlling dopamine signaling, one of the causes of ADHD. Zinc supplements are inexpensive and available without a prescription, but check with your doctor before taking them.
Look into pine bark supplements. These supplements are available under the chemical name Pycnogenol. Pine bark supplements are believed to increase a person's attention span. Ask your doctor about where to buy these supplements because they are not yet widely available.
Take a fish oil pill. These pills are available without a prescription and are affordable for people on a tight budget. Fish oil has been used as a supplement to treat attention and concentration problems for many years.