Foods That Stop Histamines
Vitamin C
Vitamin C contained in whole, fresh foods has a strong antihistamine effect. The fresher the food product, the more effective it is at combating an allergic reaction. Foods that are rich in vitamin C and effective at treating allergies include citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, pineapple, lemons and limes. Also, dark green vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach and mustard greens are rich in vitamin C.
Avoid Protein
Histamines are amino acids and can be released by the break down of foods rich in protein. Eating a low protein diet while battling allergies can limit histamine attacks. Limit animal proteins so that no more than 10 percent of your daily caloric intake is in the form of meats. Also monitor your intake of soybean products, nuts, legumes and dairy products which contain a high level of proteins which must be broken down.
Taking in a significant amount of liquid during the day can limit histamine production. One of the primary functions of histamines is to prevent fluid loss. If you insure that you get enough liquid during the day your body will automatically produce less histamine. Consume no fewer than eight, 8 oz. glasses of water a day for proper hydration.
Flavonoids, like the chemical Quercetin, are responsible for the bright colored pigments in fruits, flowers and vegetables and are also powerful natural antihistamines. Flavanoids stabilize the body's mass cells which both manufacture and distribute histamines. Foods with a rich color and scent, like tea, wine, berries, apples, tomatoes and garlic are full of flavanoids.
Omega-3 Fatty acid has a strong anti-inflammatory property which is useful in limiting the swelling that results from a histamine attack. Salmon and walnuts are the two foods most commonly consumed for their Omega-3 stores. Using flax seed oil and canola oil in your cooking and increasing the amount of dark leafy greens like dandelion sprigs also increase your dietary intake of Omega.