What Are the Dangers of Home Ozonation for Odors?
Most air purification systems emit ozone. The ozone layer in the atmosphere prevents ultraviolet radiation from reaching the earth's surface. Although useful in the atmosphere, ozone is in the home becomes a very poisonous gas that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared a health risk. Inhalation of ozone can lead to chest problems and eye and throat irritation, among other health complications.
Low Clean Air Delivery Rates
Clean Air Delivery Rate is a term that is used to determine how well air purifier systems operate. It refers to the amount of purified air that a purifier gives over a period of time. Although companies that produce purifying systems praise their products and claim they are the best, some do not work as advertised and do little to eliminate the odors and mold. These can lead to further health problems for the consumer.
Poor Design
Some home ozonation systems are poorly designed. A quality system should have a positively charged plate to attract ions that may become too heavy to float. The problem with some systems is that they attract very few particles and over time the attraction power decreases considerably. When this happens, the harmful ions stick to walls and furniture. The unsuspecting buyer will not notice the change immediately. By the time he does, he may already have become very ill.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide may be produced when ozone from the generator reacts with water. Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used as bleach and antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide can also form on a person's skin. This is because if a person's skin is moist enough, the oxygen from ozone will react with the moisture to form hydrogen peroxide. This may affect people who have very sensitive skin. If a glass of water is in the room when the ozone generator is functioning, hydrogen peroxide may also be produced and may lead to respiratory problems for those present in the room.