What Spices Can Stop Hiccups?
Some hiccups can be caused by stomach upset, stress and even alcohol use. Ginger relieves gastrointestinal problems and, in so doing, cures hiccups. Eating a slice of fresh ginger or drinking ginger tea will help alleviate symptoms.
Cardamom, often used in Indian cooking, has pleasant properties that soothe the senses and can cure small ailments, such as hiccups. Just boil cardamon leaves with a cup of water, using two leaves for every cup. Add five mint leaves for an intensified effect. Specialty markets also sell cardamom loose tea or as tea bags ready to use.
Cloves contain an oil that stop diaphragm contractions that lead to hiccups. Oil of clove can be administered in a half-teaspoon dose. The powder of clove also works well. Add a teaspoon to a cup of hot water and let stand for 20 minutes before drinking.
Black Pepper
Black pepper can cause sneezing, but it is helpful to relieve hiccups. This spice affects the respiratory function and diaphragm contractions. Strangely, the best method for using pepper for hiccups is to inhale it through the nose. The resulting sneeze will stop your hiccups.
Mustard Seed
Mustard is believed to have a stimulative affect on the nerves in the throat, which are also related to hiccups. One remedy suggests slowly swallowing a tablespoon of mustard seeds, combined with honey or ghee, which is a mixture of clarified butter to stop hiccups.