Different Ways to Remove Strong Odors From the Air
Foul odors in a house can be very irritating and embarrassing. Odors can come from a number of sources. Litter boxes, mold, cigarette smoke, dirty carpets and upholstery can produce foul smells. However, there are many ways to eliminate bad odors.-
Ozone Purifiers
Ozone air purifiers release a very reactive oxidant that destroys odors and eliminates any chemicals and bacteria from the air. The oxidant reacts with the odors, breaking them down to inert gases that no longer emit foul odors. This is a very effective method of removing strong odors and can be used to destroy odors coming from litter boxes, cooking, cigar smoke, paint or mold. This method is highly recommended for people who have just moved into a new home, or for people who have just renovated their houses.
Replace The Attic Insulation
If there are persistent cooking odors in your house, then perhaps the attic insulation needs to be replaced. The reason is that when you are cooking, the odors rise with the heat and get trapped in the attic insulation. This is most likely to occur if the attic does not have an exhaust fan. The insulation needs to be changed as it cannot be cleaned or deodorized. Before you change the insulation, you must first clean and dry the attic.
Use Household Supplies
There are a number of household supplies that can assist in removing strong odors. Vinegar can be used to eliminate strong odors from rooms. Simply fill some bowls with vinegar and leave them in the specific rooms for a full day. If foul odors are coming from non-washable surfaces such as the carpet, sprinkle baking soda on the surfaces and vacuum them the following day.
General Cleaning
In most cases, foul smells originate from areas that have not properly been cleaned. One of the main sources of foul smells is the kitchen. If a kitchen is not cleaned regularly, odors will be emitted from the ovens, the walls and the sinks. Very thorough cleaning should be done on these main areas. Also, change and clean litter boxes and empty and clean trash cans.