Hay Fever-Like Symptoms
Eye Symptoms
One way to distinguish you are suffering from hay fever allergies as opposed to a cold is the eye symptoms. Allergies will cause itchy eyes that will produce more tears than usual. The whites of the eye will also appear bloodshot. The eyes react in this way to seasonal allergens as an attempt to flush the offending irritant out of the eye. You may aid this process by using saline eye drops several times a day.
Nasal Congestion and Runny Nose
Nasal congestion is a common hay fever allergy symptom in children. A runny nose is more common in adults. Extra mucous is produced in the body to try to cleanse allergens out of the system. The mucus secreted from your nose will be clear with seasonal allergies. If your mucus changes color to yellow or green, you are most likely getting an infection. A saline nasal spray used several times a day will prevent nasal congestion and wash away mucus.
Sneezing and Coughing
Sneezing is a common response to being outside and near your allergen. Small particles of pollen enter your body through your nose and mouth. A sneezing response is your body's first defense to quickly evacuate the allergen. Coughing will generally occur a few days after your runny nose begins. As mucus travels down to your lungs, the cough is generated to clear the area.
Post-Nasal Drip
Post-nasal drip is a symptom of hay fever similar to the runny nose. Instead of the mucus running out of your nose, it runs down the throat. Post-nasal drip will cause a scratchy, sore throat that sometime will itch. The itching in your throat will make you want to clear your throat constantly. At times, mucus that accumulates in the stomach may cause nausea. To combat the effects of post-nasal drip continue to use a saline nose spray along with drinking plenty of water and hot tea.