How to Destroy Pet Dander
Bathe and brush your pet regularly. Grooming will help remove loose dander from your pet's fur. Take your pet outdoors when you groom to ensure no dander is released in your home.
Remove carpeting from your home and install hardwood flooring in the areas your pet occupies. Carpet is known to trap dander, while hardwood flooring can be more easily cleaned.
Vacuum floors and furniture regularly. Microscopic dander particles settle into these fabrics. Frequent vacuuming will help remove dander from your home.
Use an air purifier to help trap dander inside your home. Use a filtration system designed for prevention of allergies. This will help trap airborne dander inside your home.
Wash your pet's bedding frequently. Pet bedding is a hot spot for dander and should be kept as clean as possible.
Establish an area in your home that is "pet free." Your bedroom is a good choice for this. Dander can easily be trapped in your bedding and pillows.