Products That Filter Allergens
Air Cleaners
Air cleaners are portable filtration devices that are placed throughout the home. They operate by pulling air through a filter to filter out all of the allergens. They are not usually powerful enough to clean more than one room at a time. Some air cleaners have a permanent filter installed that must be vacuumed clean periodically, while others have disposable filters that have to be replaced a certain number of times per year, depending on the make and model.
HEPA Filters
HEPA stands for high efficiency particle air. HEPA filters are similar to air cleaners in how they operate, except the filter is specially designed to catch very small and even microscopic allergens. HEPA filters can be small portable devices like air cleaners, but they can also be installed in heating and air conditioning systems and come standard on some vacuum cleaners to reduce the spread of allergens.
Allergen filtration facial masks are similar to a mask that a doctor would wear to prevent the inhalation of germs. These masks can be worn around the mouth and nose to filter out allergens when someone may come into contact with certain allergens, such dust when cleaning out an attic or pet dander when grooming a pet.
Bedding Covers
Special pillow, mattress and bedding coverings are available to filter allergens like dust mites, which live inside bedding. These coverings are thick enough to prevent dust mites from getting through, but still allow air to circulate.