How to Thin Mucus Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Humidifier
- Saline nasal spray
- Table salt
- Spicy foods
- Peppermint leaves
Cough, or otherwise clear your throat. This action breaks apart clumps of mucus, helping it to pass either through, or out of your body.
Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking the proverbial eight glasses of water per day loosens and thins mucus, preventing it from building up in your throat and chest.
Add moisture to the air by using a humidifier or boiling water on your stove. The excess humidity moistens mucus and moisturizes your airways, making it easy for the mucus to pass through your body.
Use a saline nasal spray and/or gargle with salt water. The salt, combined with the liquid, moisturizes dry nasal passages and also prevents mucus from clumping up inside your nose and throat.
Eat spicy foods. Foods such as chili peppers and Wasabi Peas, thin mucus and expel it from your body via the mouth or nose.
Brew homemade peppermint tea. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a tea made up of 1 cup boiling water and 1 tsp. dried peppermint leaves, loosens mucus and eliminates a sore throat. Let the mixture cool before drinking, and drink the tea three to five times per day. The University of Maryland website doesn't recommend giving such a tea to infants or small children.