Treatments for Facial Swelling
Elevated Sleeping
In some instances of facial swelling, the issue is simply that there is too much blood flow in your head. When this is the case, you will need to do what you can to keep your head elevated, especially during sleep. Some doctors will suggest a simple home remedy of sleeping on a few extra pillows to discourage excess blood flow in the head. If this does not help, however, you probably have something more serious that is causing the facial swelling.
Apply Cold
One of the most common ways to reduce facial swelling is to apply something cold to the swollen area for a long period of time. This can be in the form of an ice pack, an ice-cold rag or anything else that is extraordinarily cold. However, since your body will transfer heat into the source of the cold, you will need to replace the cold at regular intervals. Though this is a slow process, it is effective in most instances of facial swelling.
Dietary Changes
Excess sodium in the system is a cause of swelling, not just in the face, but in the fingers and belly as well. However, the facial swelling is often the most apparent of the swelling that is caused by excess sodium. A physician will suggest lying off salty products for a while to see if that helps the swelling go down. Normally, it will help at least a little, especially if you normally consume a large amount of salty products. The physician might also suggest more exercise, as this will help speed the process.
In some cases that are a little more severe, doctors might suggest taking diuretics. These are pills that will help the water flow in your body, causing you to urinate a lot more within a certain period of time. This will help get rid of any excess water being retained in your system and further flush out any excess sodium as well. This will greatly reduce swelling all over the body, notably in the face.