Is It Allergies or Something Else?
* Sneezing
* Runny nose
* Itchy eyes
* Watery eyes
* Nasal congestion
* Sore throat
* Cough
* Wheezing
* Shortness of breath
* Skin rash
Allergies are caused by the body's reaction to an allergen, which is a substance that the body perceives as harmful. When an allergen enters the body, the immune system produces antibodies to fight it off. These antibodies can then bind to cells in the body, causing them to release histamine and other chemicals that produce allergy symptoms.
Allergies can be triggered by a variety of things, including:
* Pollen
* Dust mites
* Pet dander
* Mold
* Food
* Insect stings
* Medications
If you think you may have allergies, it's important to see a doctor to get tested. This is the best way to determine what substances you're allergic to and the best way to treat your allergies.
In some cases, allergy symptoms can be confused with symptoms of other health conditions, such as:
* The common cold
* Flu
* Sinus infection
* Asthma
* Allergies to food, skin or medications also produce a different reaction by the body's immune system which may include vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing or hives
If you're not sure whether your symptoms are caused by allergies or another health condition, it's always best to see a doctor for evaluation.