Remedies for Cottonwood Tree Allergies
Avoid Tree Pollen
Dr. Arthur Schoenstadt, a family doctor, recommends that tree allergy sufferers avoid going outside during certain times of the day when pollen counts tend to be highest. Typically, that means staying indoors between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. However, Dr. Schoenstadt advises that tree pollen is lowest after a heavy rain. Those who have tree allergies should stay indoors as much as possible and use home or car air conditioners rather than open the windows.
Keep Clothes and Pets Free of Pollen
Dr. Arthur Schoenstadt cautions that pollen can easily be transported by people and pets coming in from outdoors. Pets should be bathed often or kept outdoors. Dr. Schoenstadt further recommends drying clothes in a dryer, rather than on a clothesline, after washing them. According to, it's beneficial to shower after being outside for long periods of time during tree allergy season.
According to, there are two types of medications used to treat tree allergies. One is antihistamine, which works best when used before going outdoors. Antihistamines, which help relieve runny nose and itchy, watery eyes, come in over-the-counter and prescription strengths. They may produce some side effects, particularly drowsiness. Decongestants can help relieve the nasal congestion that often accompanies tree allergies. According to, decongestants should be used only on a temporary basis, for best results. They are available over the counter.
Nasal Cleansing
According to, nasal cleansing with a saline solution mixed in a Neti pot flushes pollen and other irritants out of the nasal passages. Those who suffer from cottonwood tree allergies, or other types of seasonal allergies, can clear their nasal cavities by rinsing daily using this special pot, which is named for the Indian practice of nasal cleansing. Nasal cleansing can dramatically clear up congestion. Neti pots are available at most drugstores, health food stores and online.