How to Treat Cough and Congestion in the Summer
Wash your clothes often. If allergies are suspected, change your clothes and put them in the wash, then take a shower after spending time outside. This will help eliminate the allergy-causing pollen that has adhered to you while outside, recommends Dr. Sarah Peters, MD.
Take an antihistamine. An over the counter antihistamine found at pharmacies, will bring relief from the allergy symptoms and rule out the possibility of a cold virus. Follow the directions on the package for proper dosage.
Reduce your exposure to air pollutants. Don't go outside during the heat of the day, generally afternoon to early evening if possible, and exercise in the morning, advises Edward Postlethwait, PhD of the University of Alabama, Birmingham. He also recommends to not live within 500 feet of a busy highway if you have a choice. The use of HEPA air filters will reduce air pollutants in the home.
Rest. If your coughing and congestion are caused by a summer cold virus, resting and getting adequate sleep will help you get back on your feet quicker, says Dr. Neil Schachter, medical director of the respiratory care department at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.