Low Candida Diets
The Good Stuff
You have plenty of healthy food choices on low-candida diets. The food pyramid for the diet starts with cruciferous vegetables like carrots, pepper, cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce and onions. Eat freely of these and also of eggs. Fish and lean meats, wild-caught or organically raised, are other protein choices. Eat sparing amounts of whole grains and higher carbohydrate vegetables like potatoes, beets, avocados, beans and peas. Eat fruit seldom. Drink lots of fresh water. Eat healthy fats with essential fatty acids. This includes flax and olive oils or fish oil.
No Refined Carbohydrates
What you do not eat is as important as what you do eat in a low-candida diet. The first step is to get the sugars and refined carbohydrates out of your diet. These foods have little to no nutritional value and give yeast an opportunity to thrive. Avoid flour and any form of sugar including corn syrup, molasses, honey, fructose and dextrose. Don't use sugar substitutes. Pasta, white rice, cakes and cookies will encourage candida so don't eat them. Chips and dips, bagels and danish will have to go.
No Junk Foods
Packaged foods with low nutritional value like snack foods and most breakfast cereals, soft drinks and canned fruit and vegetables should be avoided. Luncheon meats, pizza and condiments like tomato ketchup and bottled salad dressings are also on the list of foods to avoid.
No Fungi or Yeast
Stop eating things that are fungi or have yeast in them. Cheese is one of the difficult things to avoid as it is found in many recipes. Mushrooms and truffles should be left out as they are fungi. Vinegar and fermented soy products like soy sauce and tempeh are not good for people who suffer from excess candida in the body. Wine, beer and some liquors are fermented products and need to be excluded from your diet. Avoid bread products that have been made with leavening. Try to avoid gluten that is found in grains. Eat the bran but not the gluten. Look for gluten free on food labels.