What Allergens Do People Carry Around?
Common danders that affect people with allergies are cat and dog dander. Dander is actual flakes of skin that come off the animals when they shake or scratch themselves. It can transfer onto a person when they pet or play with an animal, and hand washing won't eliminate any dander particles that made their way on to clothes or even in a person's hair. Only a thorough shower is the cure for eliminating dander completely.
During the warm weather months, many people are sensitive to outdoor pollens. These pollens can be found on trees, flowers, plants, grass and weeds. These allergens can be transferred to a person who has not even touched anything outdoors. Wind is enough to easily transfer pollen to people and they can be covered from head to toe with pollen after just a few short minutes outside. Once inside it's important to shower from head to toe to eliminate the pollens or they can be further transferred to furniture inside the home.
People who have food allergies have a reaction when they consume the food that bothers them, but people who have severe enough allergies can have reactions from others who are carrying the allergen around on them. Severe allergic reactions can occur when someone who is allergic to the food comes in contact with someone who has just eaten that food even if the product is no longer in the room. The allergen can be transferred from residue on the skin or even residue inside the person's mouth if he did not thoroughly brush his teeth after eating.
Dust is a common allergen that can be found in the home or office even if they have been recently cleaned. Simply rubbing up against a dusty surface can transfer the allergen to clothing. Relaxing on the couch or floor can cause dust to be transferred to hair, skin and clothing. Even if your house is clean, it's essential to shower daily to remove any dust particles that have accumulated on you throughout the day. This will minimize the transfer of dust to furniture in your home or into your bed with you at night.