How to Determine What Level of Mold Spores Are Unhealthy
Things You'll Need
- Bleach
- Dehumidifier
See an allergist and get tested for allergies. You may be allergic to many other things in addition to, or instead of, molds. If so, you can undergo a vaccination routine to build up your immunity to your allergens. Take whatever medications your doctor gives you to treat your allergies while you wait for the allergy injections to take effect.
Treat moldy-smelling areas, including basements and bathrooms, with a bleach solution. Be sure to wear an allergy mask, as well as rubber gloves, and to provide ventilation. Any place that has a humidity level of 60 percent or higher is likely to contain mold; ideal humidity for the inside of a house is between 40 and 60 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Use a dehumidifier in the areas of your house that have high humidity. Dry or remove any wet carpeting, which can harbor mold. Remove standing vegetation, which can be a breeding ground for mold, from around the outside of your house.
Engage a reputable environmental laboratory to test your home only if you both smell mold and know you are sensitive to it. The CDC, which does not recommend routine testing for mold, stresses that standards for judging acceptable levels of mold have not been established, so find out exactly what the lab will test for and what criteria it will use.