Allergens In Seattle
Pollen is a fine powder substance, typically yellow in color, that is found in flowers, trees and grasses. The pollen travels by air and, when inhaled, can cause an allergic reaction in the lungs, nose, throat, eyes and other parts of the body. Such allergies can result in health problems including asthma, continuous runny nose, watery eyes and an itchy throat. Pollen allergies are seasonal and are most common in the spring and summer months. In Seattle, alder trees produce pollen after three consecutive days of over 50-degree weather. These trees and others, as well as grasses and flowers, produce more pollen when there are heavier levels of rainfall. Seattle weather is typically very rainy, and thus the levels of pollen can be quite high. The level of pollen is determined by a pollen count, found on several weather forecast sites, and will help sufferers determine when their allergic reaction will be at its worst.
Mold is a common type fungi found both indoors and outdoors in moist and damp environments. Seattle gets a high level of rainfall every year, which provides a perfect environment for mold to grow in. In the outdoors, it can be found in areas that receive little sunlight and have poor drainage, such as mounds of rotten leaves, old cut grass and piles of rotten garbage. When indoors, it is found in cold, damp and poor ventilated areas such as bathrooms, showers, kitchen sinks, window sills and the attic. Both asthma and sinus infections are common allergic reactions caused by exposure to mold. The level of mold can be controlled or even eliminated by keeping the above areas clean, warm and well-ventilated or by obtaining the services of a competent Seattle environmental service.
Dust Mites
These microscopic creatures are found in most homes in areas that are prone to dust particles such as carpet, beds and furniture and are the main component of house dust. They tend to feed on dead skin cells and cause several allergic reactions such as eczema, sneezing and respiratory problems.
Allergens from pets, such as dogs and cats, can cause several asthmatic problems such as skin rashes. There is a high quantity of pets that live in Seattle, which MSNBC ranked one of the most pet-friendly cities in the United States in 2007. Where there are pets, there will be people with pet allergies. The allergic reactions are caused from proteins being released from the animals' saliva or hair. The reactions occur when these proteins come into contact with a person's eyes or are inhaled. They can be commonly picked up by children in public areas such as schools and parks.