How to Eliminate Roach Allergens
Things You'll Need
- Pesticide
- Cloth
- Vacuum
Clean food, dirty dishes and standing water. Cockroaches thrive on food, rotted or fresh. Store your food in sealed containers. Use a small trash can with a tight-fitting lid, and empty it daily. Do not leave pet food out over night, and clean up crumbs and other messes made in the course of food preparation. Mop up all spills and do not leave water standing in the sink. Repair leaky pipes immediately.
Inspect all bags and boxes before bringing them into the home. Roaches often get into homes concealed in paper containers, on which they feed.
Find and seal any cracks in your walls, doors and windows with caulk. Cockroaches often enter the home through small cracks. Use weatherstripping to seal doors leading to the outside. Caulk or insulate around pipes and wiring that lead to the outside and seal the area around drains.
Use powdered pesticide around, behind and under cabinets and appliances. Be sure that children and pets do not access these areas, as most pesticides are toxic to them. Apply the powder lightly so roaches will not avoid it. You may also apply pesticide to a piece of bait such as paste or gel, on which roaches feed.
Clean your house frequently and thoroughly to find and get rid of dead roaches. Use a cloth that can be thrown away, or a vacuum with a disposable bag, to completely rid your home of roach dust. If possible, use a water vacuum or one with a filter to avoid filling the air with roach dust. If you have asthma or are suffering from an allergic reaction, wear a dust mask while cleaning.
Call a pest control company if you are unable to control a cockroach problem yourself. Pest control experts have a broad knowledge of strategies to eliminate roaches and may have access to pesticides that are not available in stores. Pest control professionals can often rid your home of a cockroach infestation, but you still need to be vigilant about cleaning your home in order to prevent another one.