How to Reduce Puffy Eye From Hay Fever
Take an over-the-counter or prescription anti-allergy medication. Puffy eyes that are caused by allergies can be dramatically reduced by taking an antihistamine, when you feel an attack coming on.
Stay hydrated. This means avoiding alcohol, as well as salty foods, and drinking lots of water. When your body begins to feel dehydrated, it will start storing water. This retention can end up making your eyes puffy and red.
Wash your face thoroughly before going to bed, and wash your hands frequently. Pollen and other allergens can build-up on your skin.
Avoid rubbing or scratching your eyes. This will likely introduce more allergens into your eyes and will increase the discomfort and puffiness. If your eyes are unbearably itchy, or you are having problems getting through the day because of your allergies, speak with a physician.